APU Personal Statement Essay

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Why have I chosen to pursue my studies at APU? The answer isn’t as simple as I’d like it to be and to answer that I’m going to have to get a bit personal which, in my opinion, always makes for a good essay even though some might disagree. I’m twenty-two years old and I’m having a quarter life crisis. That might sound awful to you but to me it’s completely normal and that scares me so badly. When I was young, about 14 or so, I started to develop serious mental disorders that no one seemed to understand. I had gone from a normal teenage boy who loved technology, loved anything to do with space and who only had those two things going for him to someone that the people around me didn’t even recognize in a very short period of time. I had become someone who hated science and space and technology. I was failing subjects I loved and had decided I …show more content…

Since I hadn’t taken any of the classes I needed to graduate my first three years of high school, I was given the option to take a class at a vocational school that would give me the credit I needed to graduate. I chose a class called “Computer Systems Repair Technology” where students were taught how to build and repair computers. I did amazingly at that and not only passed the class but had the best grades I’d had in the past few years. I loved the class, I loved that I was finally good at something and was around other people who understood that I was good at it. This got me through high school but I ended up leaving with a GPA so low that all the computer and science classes in the world couldn’t fix. I soon realized that I was defiantly not going to get into any colleges anytime soon and I got discouraged once again. That discouragement would last for years to

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