Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Abortion has often been one of the hottest ethical topics in today’s society, and it has been for over last 30 years. Back in 1973 it was decided in the Roe vs. Wade case abortion was legal and that it was the women’s choice to decide what happens to her body. However, to this day there are many people still arguing whether or not abortion should be legal. There are two sides that have been arguing this topic which are the Pro-Life, and Pro-Choice. Pro-Life are people who are against abortion no exceptions. They belief the women is to have the child and rise it, or put it up for adoption. While Pro-Choice believes that it is the women’s choice to have an abortion. Between these two sides it has been an ongoing battle. Overall, this whole debt …show more content…

Pro-Life’s states that the human life begins at the point of its conception. So by killing the fetus you are killing off a potential human being. The fetus has the right to life. So therefore abortion is always wrong. They believe that no matter what the mother should never have an abortion. However, what if the mother’s life was in jeopardy of dyeing if she were to deliver the baby. Would it then be morally correct to let a fully functioning member of society die for a ‘human’ that isn’t even fully developed? Pro-choice feels the same way about the issue. Pro-life is stating that the fetus is only a collection of cells. Which doesn’t give them right as human beings just because they are of the human species. In other words abortion is just removing a collection of cells. If having an abortion was to be considered to be murder then when would somebody who is having a limb amputated would that also be committing murder? However, the only way for a collection of cells to have the right to live by virtue is if it has reached a particular stage in the development. Or it has to possess certain properties that make it a ‘moral person’. So even if the fetus is a potential human being it doesn’t have any rights. Since only actual ‘humans’ have

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