Since I was a child, I’ve heard about animals been killed because some of their body parts are so expensive that one might get richer. Recently, PETA organization has also reported, “Most leather produced and sold in the U.S. is made from the skins of cattle and calves, but leather is also made from sheep, lambs, goats, and pigs.” (PETA) I loved animals always. This kind of reports always made me disappointed. I’ve always had that question in my mind, can an object that is discretionary be more valuable than an animal life? These animals are exposed to the ‘animal experiment’ to meet the latest beauty standards. This is done to verify whether it would cause any harm to human skin. Despite of having other means to test if it’s susceptible to …show more content…
There are many cosmetic companies all over the world that rely on animal testing knowing that animals are a different species than human beings. According to blog by Cathy Kangas, “The announcement that PETA UK has accused nine leading cosmetics brands of breaking European law by selling products tested on animals for the Chinese market is very disturbing, if not surprising.” (Huffington post) As a result, it’s causing harm both to human and animals. "Studies published in prestigious medical journals have shown time and again that animal experimentation wastes lives—both animal and human—and precious resources by trying to infect animals with diseases that they would never normally contract." (PETA) Thus, it is simply useless and harmful for both the people and the animals. Animal testing is expensive as well. There’s a statistic about these expenses, “Some animal tests take months or years to conduct and analyze (e.g., 4-5 years, in the case of rodent cancer studies), at a cost of hundreds of thousands—and sometimes millions—of dollars per substance examined (e.g., $2 to $4 million per two-species lifetime cancer study).” (Humane Society International) It clearly puts a pressure on every side. Raising awareness wouldn’t work if people don’t have moral ethics. It’s the people, who wears cosmetics related with animal testing that influence this kind of unethical