Antidepressants And Suicide Essay

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approved by the FDA are: lithium; Depakote; and Zyprexa. Antidepressants could also help in the case of bipolarity, but only when the mood is stabilized. If the anti-depressant is used before stabilizing the mood, the bipolar person would become a critical case. The use of these antidepressants might lead to an increase in the risk of mania and shift the individual with the disorder into rapid-cycling. Noting that rapid-cycling is when the pattern of distinct episodes, in the person with bipolarity, becomes more frequent.
Denial is a natural mechanism of the human brain to deny something that is unwanted and unpleasant that might lead to pain and threaten us. One would not want to believe they are ill or are in a bad condition, the person …show more content…

Noting that most of suicides are done by people that are depressed. It is less frequently for a person with a panic disorder to think about suicide. When people suffer from a chronic illness and are hospitalized for long period, they start thinking about how miserable their life is, become depressed, and start thinking about suicide. Many hospitalized patients with major depression actually commit suicide. Even though women have a higher rate of suicide attempts, men tend to select more lethal ways and succeed in killing themselves. Many women result in failing suicidal attempts. Usually people that are extremely depressed don’t actually commit suicide. When that person is in one of the deep depressing episodes, there would be no energy or motivation to even think about a way to commit suicide. Suicide usually happens when the individual starts recovering from the depression and becomes more energetic.

Mood disorders are very common around the world. According to Mental Health America, around 20% of the U.S. population state that at least one depressive symptom during a month, and 12% state that they had a depressive symptom two or more in a year. Bipolar disorder is less common, Mental Health America states that the rate is around 1% of the whole U.S population. Many believe that a larger number of people are bipolar but the state of being maniac is too rarely reported as a