
Application Essay To The Governor's School Of Engineering And Technology Education

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Attending the Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology is an enormous dream of mine because I believe that it would give me the skills and mindset necessary to succeed as a future engineer. By taking the Governor’s School of Engineering’s prestigious courses and being mentored by incredible professors I would be able to gain knowledge about various subjects in engineering and technology such as robotics and physics. One of the most attractive points about the GSET is the way it utilizes engineering and technology education in order to fuel students’ ability to solve problems in the real world. I have always had an intense interest in how the STEM fields can be used to create solutions that help mankind, which has even resulted in me starting an independent research project about turning algae into biofuel. I …show more content…

I know that by communicating with these students I will be able to contribute my knowledge of different topics and problem solving while also learning from them. This symbiotic relationship can allow us to really progress in not only our research projects during the program, but also our future endeavors.
Apart from the vast amount I would gain by attending, I would also be able to offer a multitude of positive qualities to the Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology, the first being my strong work ethic and academic aptitude. I demonstrate these qualities by attaining A’s in multiple classes with vigorous workloads such as AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, and Honors Precalculus. I go above and beyond my obligatory academic curriculum by taking free online courses about a variety of subjects ranging from Computer Programming to Astronomy for the simple reason of having a desire to learn more about the world. My sturdy work ethic and academic aptitude in math and science classes show my dedication to learning and would allow me to thrive while taking the challenging core and elective courses. More importantly, I have taken advantage of this

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