Apply Child Development Theory To Practice Essay

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Program Outcomes and Criteria
ECE 1. Apply child development theory to practice
A. You utilize developmental theory and assessment information to inform practice
P4 Indicator: Using observations to interpret child’s dev informed by dev theory and utilizing theory to develop curriculum activities
Circle the one that applies. Not Met Partially Met Met

As children mature, each year is marked by some significant milestones in gross motor, fine motor, language, thinking, social and emotional skills that begin to emerge. Throughout the process, each child develops attitudes and values that guide choices, relationships and understandings.

Preschoolers learn …show more content…

A lot of play at an early age enables children to develop the necessary skills for future academic success. Play makes learning fun! And play creates a love of learning. The ultimate curriculum for social, emotional, physical and cognitive learning can be provided through play. The developmentally appropriate learning environment should support the child’s initiative to explore, investigate, observe and experiment, while allowing for appropriate risk taking within safe boundaries. Curriculum planning and design should encompass how young children develop and learn. I want the curriculum to be relevant, meaningful and based on prior experience. It should be challenging yet achievable with the teacher’s help. I like to integrate curriculum across all content areas with a balance of active and passive learning opportunities. I want some teacher directed activities and learning that the children do on their own.

ECE 1. Apply child development theory to practice
C. You summarize child development theories and best practices based on research
P4 Indicator: Reflect on learned practices, compare to theory and best practice, apply to support student behavior and learning outcomes
Circle the one that applies. Not Met Partially Met Met