Assess The Impact Of Legislation On Daily Living Activities

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Legislation can positively impact daily living activities, mainly because it ensures that the activities are safe for the service users, this can be seen through the regulations of COSHH and RIDDOR, as these regulations give guidelines to group living environments on how to keep service users safe, especially if in an environment where some substances (e.g. cleaning solutions) are kept, but for Manor House, we keep all substances like this locked in the sluice room, as preventative measures to ensure the safety of residents. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1995 can have a positive impact not only for the service users, but for the staff that are completing the activities with the residents, this ensures that the staff are kept safe and are not expected to carry out an activity that could put them at risk or the residents at risk; the health and safety at work act gives guidelines to the employer and employee to follow to ensure their safety. …show more content…

According to the website , we all have human rights, including the service users in our care, the rights to no discrimination, the right to liberty and freedom, the prohibition of inhuman treatment, the respect for privacy. These are all found in this legislation, there are more which can be found on the website and, each service user has their human rights, which means they have the right to join in an activity, the right to decline to join in, the right to choose the activity they do, the right to speak