Benefits Of The Schoolâvbms

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The schoolâ€TMs character should be evident when entering the school groups as it is compromised of the schoolâ€TMs general atmosphere, daily activities and both the practices of the staff and pupils. Each schoolâ€TMs character is primarily affected by the schoolâ€TMs own philosophy; this could be religiously or culturally influenced. The ethos of the school is largely reflected in the working practices of the school, general outlined via school policies for e.g., reward systems for pupil achievement, group assemblies and more innovative pursuits such as student represented councils. The mission goal of any school is based upon what aims are outlined by the Head teacher of said school. These can be academically, artistically or more vocationally …show more content…

Promoting sports and healthy eating lifestyles to help facilitate a more active and healthy lifestyle Freedom of Information Act: This Act grants an individual the legal right to access information that is held regarding them by public authorities for e.g. schools The Human Rights Act integrates freedoms on human rights as set out in the UN Convention for the rights of children that relate specifically to schools for e.g. the rights to education opportunityâ€TMs , providing a safe environment, rights of freedom of expression , rights top make decisions and have opinions, rights to respect individualâ€TMs private and family lives. Schools should provide fair treatment to all children. Health and Safety at Work Act: This Act ensures the health and safety of any individual in any work activity whether in school or outside school premises e.g. when taken on school trips The Special Educational Needs (2001: / Disability Discrimination Act 2005: The SEN Act provides children with SEN a right to access mainstream education This has been achieved via the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 who work with outside agencies to meet the needs of pupils with SEN and learning disabilities in schools, for e.g. adapt lesson plans to make it easier to learn and …show more content…

Schools can be held to account for breaking these laws as they have a legal obligation to abide by them. Altogether it consists of 54 articles; some of these are directly relevant to schools such as: Article 2: of the act clearly states that children have a right to protection from any discrimination, for e.g. if a teacher witnesses bullying it is a duty of care for them to deal with it immediately in accordance with their Anti Bullying policy. It also acts to provide equal opportunities and work in line with the schools ethos, visions and values. Article 4: The government should make these rights available to children, this is implemented by schools through encouraging new opportunities in schools for e.g. gain sports awards taking part in competitions between local schools etc. Article 6: the act clearly states that all children have the right to life and develop healthy. In schools these can be implemented via promoting healthy eating/ healthy lifestyle and enhance physical