Bethel University Mission Statement Analysis

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"Bethel University’s mission is to create opportunities for members of the learning community to develop in a Christian environment to their highest intellectual, spiritual, and social potential. This includes synchronous and asynchronous modes of education" (Bethel University, n.d.). A mission statement defines the organization’s goals. Therefore, the reason for the organization’s existence is the organization’s mission or vision (Nassar, 2007). An organization’s mission statement should be expressed in a way that encapsulates the values that are important to the organization. Creating a mission statement can seem overwhelming; however, mission statements can be generated by using three easy steps. Step one is to describe what one’s organization …show more content…

Unfortunately, this step can be challenging since a detailed description of an organization’s physical operations are not needed. One only needs to provide a description of how one’s organization generally operates. Typically, most people incorporate one or more of their core values in the description. For example, provide educational services that allow students to experience learning success. The third and final step in this process is to add why your organization does what it does. This part of the mission statement describes the organizations' passion. In order to complete this step, it helps to think back on why the organization was founded in the first place. For instance, a completed mission statement for an educational organization could say; our organization exists to provide educational services that allow students to experience success in learning and success in life. Furthermore, it is vital to make sure one’s mission statement is highly visible. A good mission statement is not just a slogan, it is an operations manual that cannot provide guidance if people are not familiar with it (Ward, 2017). Therefore, Bethel University’s mission statement clearly states the goals of our