Breastfeeding Argumentative Essay

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For the argument of breastfeeding, it is beneficial for a child’s health. Hundreds of experts have found that breastfeeding is beneficial and the most important part about the development process of a child. According to Kelli Marie Damstra in Improving Breastfeeding Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Intent through a Prenatal Education Program, the benefits of breastfeeding include many decreased health risks. Having a healthy baby is one of the most common fears amongst parents and soon to be parents. Breastfeeding does not only provide the typical health benefits but also phycological benefits and developmental benefits. The health benefits are reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, infant mortality, arthritis, osteoporosis, asthma, cancers, and many …show more content…

Studies have shown that breastfeeding can help in the workplace. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics 2017, breastfeeding can increase productivity and may give mothers more energy and motivation to be at work. Many employers now do not support breastfeeding in the work place because some see it as a distraction and unnecessary. Increased business can be the result of having breastfeeding mothers. It is also cost effective for employers because there will be a reduction in health care costs (American Academy of Pediatrics 2017). The only special accommodations that employers would have to set longer lunches for the mothers, designated pumping stations, hand washing station, and a space for refrigeration. The pumping station must be separate from the bathroom to improve production. If they provide all of this, there will be a higher dollar return. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is a two to three dollar return if they provide these accommodations. There are so many ways that employers can help breastfeeding mothers while benefiting their company. The overall employee moral will be increased and make the working environment even more enjoyable. The employee is more likely to show up to work on time to work. Productivity and happiness are linked in any workplace not only for breastfeeding