Church Leadership Philosophy

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I believe God has gifted me in the area of teaching, prayer, working with children and youth, pastoral work, and developing the gifts and identity of others.
My philosophy of ministry first and foremost comes from the Bible. Biblically, the role of a church leader is that of a servant leader. The responsibility is not to be the only one that does ministry, but to raise up others up for this purpose. 1 Peter teaches the universal priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5-10). The role is to equip, encourage, and raise up other servant leaders within the church by both example and teaching. This is the leadership style of Jesus with the disciples. Paul also followed in this example with Timothy and Titus. At Albright, it would be my desire to raise of the youth to be spiritual leaders, serving them so they can do …show more content…

My desire would be that they would experience God as their personal Father, purpose, savior, and greatest joy. Through powerful, inspiring teaching and leadership opportunities, along with the Holy Spirit’s work, it would be my desire for the youth to catch a vision for the unique, gifted person God has created them to be and embrace this identity with all their heart. Partnering with young and mature adults in the church gifted in leadership would provide the opportunity for their own growth and godly mentorship in the lives of the youth, as well as an effective transition into adulthood. The ultimate goal would be for a maturity in discipleship that would bear fruit in other disciples being made. This is Jesus’ calling for the church, (Matt 28:19) not to produce converts or fans with a passion that will fade, but disciples. This command is not exclusive for evangelists, but all followers of Christ. I desire to provide opportunities for encouraging and equipping the youth to make disciples within and