College Admission Essay

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Throughout life it is important to have direction. Without it, you are a wandering generality always bound to wonder “what could have been” and being cursed to never achieve your limitless potential. Pursuing a higher education is one of the best ways to keep yourself pointed to the path you have set for yourself in life. Through admission to UNT and being put through the academic and musical programs offered there I would be able make a name for myself, further my knowledge of music, and have access to the resources necessary to achieve my lifetime goals of inspiring the next generation, spreading the joy of music, and giving back to the world. While participating in band throughout my high school career I found many role models that inspired …show more content…

Friends, family, teachers, even strangers have contributed to me being where I am now. The teachers i met through school and especially music have been a major factor in shaping where I want to go and do in the future. Most of the time it was selfless acts of kindness that pushed me forward the most. Whether it be a math teacher staying behind after school and helping me with last night's homework or a music teacher encouraging me to go and pursue my dreams the people in my life have helped me go after the seemingly impossible. My goal is to give back to the world. Despite all the help I have received over the years i've realized that the world,as a whole, has a “I won't make a difference by myself” attitude. I want to change that outlook. I believe through selfless service and being a prime example slowly change can happen. The change would be slow and tedious, maybe sometimes it would seem no chnage would happen at all, but eventually the world's outlook can be changed to “one person can make a difference.” Just like how those singular people drastically affected my life in monumentally positive ways, imagine if the whole world realized they could have the same impact. Through receiving education in the future and earning the privilege of being a mentor for the younger generation I ultimately aspire to be that source of drive for those few that I ultimately affect and hopefully have them see that they too can make all the difference in the