College Admission Essay

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The journey to Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne was definitely not straight forward. As my senior year in high school commenced about a year ago I was sure IPFW was not where I would end up. I had arranged a plan and was set on pursuing it, but one thing life has taught me is that things don’t always go the way you expect. That is what eventually turned my path around to IPFW—the unexpected. Now that I made it here I am more ready than ever to start chasing after my dreams and accomplishing my goals. That is, after all, the reason I am attending college. High school may have ended, but I’m on to a whole new chapter now and my life is only really beginning. That first step to the rest of my life is IPFW, and I could not be more …show more content…

I was very much in need of a fresh start. School was the perfect place for what I was seeking. An environment in which I am surrounded by my peers, and they are all at the same stage of life as I am. I found it interesting to read about the concept of identity in my textbook. It is cool to be learning about one of the major topics in my life in school, and just reaffirms my decision to attend. Already I am learning more and more about the complexity of identity and how in a way who we are is a performance, fitting the role and the subconscious expectations put in place for a certain identity (Duck, McMahan, 2018, p. 49). A person’s personality is extremely complex and consists of layers and layers created over time (Duck, McMahan, 2018, p. 49). I am slowly starting to dig into the layers of my personality, discovering why I like the things I like and why I do the things that I do. The final major reason I decided to attend college was so that I could live a successful and comfortable life. Success has always been something I strive for, and anything I decide to do I do to the best of my capability. Achievement has always been an expectation—from not only myself but my family as well. In high school, I had excelled in academics, athletics, and arts. I crave success and the ultimate way to achieve what we as human beings in America define as success is by getting a degree and a solid

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