
College Admission Essay

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Exploring the vast landscape of universities across the country was a thrilling and informative journey; although choosing the university involved much discernment. The decision of where I wanted to continue my education was difficult until I discovered Colorado State. From the philosophy of the school to the hundreds extracurriculars that Colorado State provides, it was evident that this is the only school that would allow me to expand on my passions. After being accepted into Colorado State, I felt compelled to apply to the Honors Program. This ambition to strive for more stemmed from the education and experienced I gained from my high school, Creighton Preparatory. While attending this prestigious jesuit school, there was no term used more than Magis, which is latin for more. In Jesuit institution’s parlance, magis stands for accepting the challenge to strive for “more”, usually pertaining to education. Throughout my four years of highschool, I strived to do more in every aspect of …show more content…

For me this was to enroll in the most rigorous courses that were open to me, which were mostly honors and an AP. As an ambitious student, I enjoyed these rigorous courses because I was surrounded and supported my other motivated students. It was reassuring to share the interest in school and studying with other students as well. These classes were filled with in-depth socratic discussions and research that interested me and allowed me to understand different point-of-views. The smaller classes sizes allowed me to share my own opinions and ideas about certain subjects along with listening to new ideas and concepts from other students. Because of these accelerated courses, I became a more open and enriched student. Although these courses were challenging and involved intensive time, I was able to have an accumulated GPA of a 4.0. This was still not enough for me to feel as if I was “striving for

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