College Athletes Get Paid Essay

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It is Saturday night and the game of the season is coming on, Clemson Tigers versus South Carolina Gamecocks. Everyone is cheering for their favorite team to win. They score a touchdown. The crowd goes crazy. Defense intercepted. The audience becomes infuriated. After three long hours pass, half of the audience is in disappointment. Their team lost. The losing team is saddened and wonders what they could have done to do better. The audience screams and shouts at the coaches and the players about what they could have done to do better. The audience thinks that they should have practice more and kept their head in the game. But, the audience does not know what these players go through on a day to day basis. The players walk away with their …show more content…

They do not get paid. They do receive a scholarship, but that scholarship only covers certain costs. When college athletes have to pay for more then what the scholarship covers, they cannot because they do not have other money to spend. This is becoming more and more of an issue in the United States because more colleges are partaking in sports, creating more spots for athletes that have no money. As broadcaster continue to make more money college athletes do not. For example, the NCAA, as a whole makes over $6 billion annually (Debate Club). “The huge amount of money being made off of college sports has led some to question whether student-athletes can be considered amateurs any longer, and whether they should, instead, be paid for their efforts” (Debate Club). In today’s world everything is about money and these college athletes barely see any money. If athletes are helping associations make billions of dollars a year, then the athletes should see some of that money, so they can afford personal finances. However, if action is taken, athletes will not have to worry about where their money is going to come from and their service to the public will be considered a job. College athletes should get paid because they do not have the time for a job, they miss a lot of class time, and their names sell jerseys and other