Criminal Justice Mission Statement

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In the state of New Mexico, ninety-four judges, preside. There are thirteen different districts. These are courts of general jurisdiction, which hold jury trials. The 11th judicial court in Aztec is where I decided to complete my ten hours of service learning hours. The judicial court will hear these types of cases: Tort, contract, real property rights, and estate. Exclusive domestic relations, mental health, appeals for administrative agencies and lower courts, miscellaneous civil jurisdiction; Misdemeanor. Exclusive criminal appeals jurisdiction; Exclusive juvenile jurisdiction. The mission statement for the 11 Judicial court was not insight, but the eighth judicial court presents a great mission statement. It reads, The purpose of the Eighth …show more content…

Here we will interact with Sir William David Ross and his seven Fundamental Moral Duties. Ross is an intuitionist since he believes all humans have the ability to know moral duties, and the same moral duties hold for all people. Not in a particular order; Fidelity is the duty to speak the truth, pay back debts, and keep promises and other agreements. Reparation is the duty to set right any wrongs we may have previously done to another. Gratitude is the duty to make some return for favors and services rendered to us. Justice is the duty to ensure the fair distribution of goods according to merit. Beneficence is the duty to improve the condition of others. Self-improvement is the duty to improve oneself. Nonmaleficence is the duty not to harm or injure others. When two moral duties conflict, one of the two changes from a conditional moral duty to an actual moral duty. Doing the right thing is tied to fulfilling moral duties. I have done Service learning hours with the 11th judicial court before so I did not have any trouble having my name go through their system. I was working with a group of individuals that are very educated in the legal system. The six moral duties that lie within the mission statement and to these individuals are Fidelity, Reparation, Justice, Beneficence, self-improvement, and Nonmaleficence. I had the chance to translate the English language to a Spanish speaker because all the current translators were occupied. The attorneys, when giving legal advice are expected to tell the truth. An issue regarding adoption was brought up to the attorney. Another male wished to adopt the kids of a divorced woman and she had to follow the duty of reparation. The current boyfriend could not adopt without the consent of the biological father. The biological parents had to