Critical Evidence: How The Arts Benefit Student Achievement

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Funding for the arts will benefit students academically. In reference to the to the book, “Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement” written by Sandra S. Ruppert, the author references a experiment that was done with over twenty thousand student in secondary school. (Ruppert, 8). Based on information gathered, students that engaged in an art activities scored higher in their regulated exams than the students not affiliated in art activities.(Ruppert, 8). This relates back to funding for the arts will benefit students academically because this shows that student will improve on exams if the arts are incorporated. This relates back to funding for the arts will benefit students academically because this shows that student will improve on exams. from the authour show that there is a legitimate act that makes the art courses on the same playing field with the …show more content…

Another solution is having sponsorships. In my first solution, local artists contributing either their services. Local artists and designers from different backgrounds near public schools can volunteer and give lectures on the kinds of art they specialize in, what medium they would work, what is the process and how do they create the artwork once a week. In addition, local artist and designers can give art demonstrations to students in a classroom so student attempt to create. This way student will be taught a skill and lectured on a certain genre of art from real artists and designers. Art Historians can volunteer their hours and give lectures on contemporary artist, famous artworks and etcetera to students in a classroom. Another way is having Art Historians, local artist and designers, give the public schools a donation. This would help start the process of funding in public