
Critical Reflection

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There are a number of steps I plan on taking while working on my critical analysis essay. The first thing I am going to do is read my essay again. I will be looking for ways to summarize or paraphrase the key points that I feel the author addressed. I am also going to try to think of more personal examples that I can incorporate to back up my thesis. I know that I also have some sections that in my opinion were redundant so I will be extracting those as well. Once I have made those changes I will move on to the second step in my revision process.

In this next phase I am going to print out my essay. I like to do this so that I can see how it will appear to my reader. Once I have done that I am going to read it aloud to myself. This helps me pick up on any errors in grammar and see if the paper is flowing correctly. Then, I gather my audience. I usually give one person …show more content…

I like to repeat the previous steps after each revision until I actually submit my essay. I then submit it to the writing center. I feel that this is a wonderful tool offered to us and I plan on utilizing it as much as possible. I am also going to take our professor up on the offer to submit it to him for feedback as well. I will take all of the suggestions under advisement and then it is on to the next phase.

At this point I may take a step back from my paper. I will not think of it or look at it for a day. I will come back the following day ready to read it as if it were the first time. I try to imagine I am a person that has picked up a magazine and sees this article. Do I understand the authors point? Is it easy to follow? Do I agree? If so why? Once I know the answer to those questions, I can make sure that I have expressed that. Do I disagree? If so why? Once I know this side of it I can make sure I have addressed that as well. I feel by doing this it will give me a very well rounded

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