Four Learning Styles: Kolb's Four Stages Of Learning

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Kolb’s Four Learning Styles However, Kolb believes “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (1984). In this statement, Kolb is trying to emphasize that each learner learns best through the different stages of experience. These stages are the following: concreteexperience (or do) ,reflectiveobservation (or observe), abstractconceptualization ( or think) , and activeexperimentation (or plan) . Concrete Experience is the first stage where the learners actively doing an activity such as laboratory session or field work. We can learn from our different experiences such as at home, work form in and out of school and other forms of works. Reflective observation is the second stage , where the …show more content…

In reflection observation is just simply thinking the past, but this will become Abstract Conceptualization according to Kolb when you are now interpreting your past experiences on what is the meaning of it. The last one is the active experimentation, where the learners will try to make a plan for the incoming experience. In this stage you are now putting into test what you have been interpreting from your Abstract Conceptualization. Using these stages, Kolb identified four learning styles out from those four stages where learners learn in better way, Kolb's learning theory (1974) sets out four distinct learning styles, which are based on a four-stage learning cycle. The four learning styles are assimilators, convergers, accommodators, and divergers. An individual with diverging style has CE (Concrete Experience and RO Reflective Observations) where learners are best in viewing concrete situations. They are best in brainstorming way, have broad cultural interest, and like to gather some information. These are the learners that would like to work in groups, always open minded in different point of views and accept personal feedback. An individual with an assimilating style has AC (Abstract Conceptualization) and RO (Reflective …show more content…

In their definition, it emphasizes that learner’s experience nd in – context action as the primary source of learning. Lifelong learning takes place if its directly from life experiences which can be controlled only with each of us. In article Experiential Learning; Experience as the Source of Learning and Development p.51 that the experiential learning cycle is not only the Concrete Experience mode but its referring to all learning cycle. These learning cycle are the modes of grasping experience such s Concrete Experience (CE) and Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and modes of transforming such as Reflective Observation (RO) and Active Experimentation (AE). In the Principles of Psychology of James he defined this “My experience is what I agree to