Diversity Definition Essay

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Diversity can mean many things to each of us. It’s important that each definition reflect the ability to accept and celebrate each other. Diversity is all the ways we’re different from each other. It includes things like race, religion, culture, physical ability, mental ability, family make-up, socio-economic status and sexual and gender diversity. When we talk about sexual and gender diversity, it’s important to understand these terms: Sex the characteristics which identify humans as female or male at birth, Sexual Orientation: A person’s sexual and emotional attraction to others. It can change and may or may not be the same as a person’s sexual behavior. Gender/Gender Identity: A person’s internal sense of identity as female, male, both or neither, …show more content…

They include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two‑spirit, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual.
Heterosexual identities are ‘normal’ in our society. It’s common to use words that assumes everyone is heterosexual. For example, by using the terms girlfriend or boyfriend instead of partner. People usually don’t realize that it removes sexual and gender minorities. It’s important to recognize that you can’t identify someone’s sexual orientation or gender by looking at them.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are complicated. It’s believed that as many as 1 in 10 Canadians identify as LGBTQ+. It’s important to read these numbers with caution since they categorize people without considering how complicated self-identify really is. ( teaching sexual health 2018, 1)
Sexuality is an essential characteristic of all people which begins at early childhood. Many sexual and gender minority children and teens face different challenges throughout their lives. For example, fear about how family and friends may react as well as fear of bullying, harassment, discrimination and prejudice may stop them from publicly identifying as a sexual or gender