Equality Diversity In Health And Social Care Essay

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The legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, stems both from the UK government and the European Union. It offers protection from discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender, race and ethnic origin, religious faith or belief and sexual orientation. The legislation has implications on all workplaces, in terms of employment practice and in terms of the services provided. Compliance with the legislation must be embedded in your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies. You will need to adopt a very broad-based approach to ensure that all relevant legislative requirements are addressed and take full responsibility for actions in your sphere of responsibility. As a manager you will be responsible for ensuring ongoing appropriate staff development and training to support all staff in promoting inclusiveness and meeting legislation requirements. In addition meet with staff to give appropriate updates on relevant events and legislation and to discuss appropriate issues. Health and social care providers are obliged to incorporate legislation …show more content…

This protects the rights of older and disabled people to receive care at home and in the community in ways that take account of their choices.
• The Residential Care and Nursing Homes Regulations 2002. This protects the rights of people living in care homes.
• The Children Act 2004. This protects children’s rights by requiring local authorities to be flexible in meeting children’s needs.
• Health and Social Care Act 2008. This Act established the Care Quality Commission (CQC), whose remit is to protect and promote the right of people using health and social care services in England to quality care and to regulate its provision. CQC took over the roles of the Healthcare Commission, Commission for Social Care Inspection and and the Mental Health Act Commission in March