Essay On Obesity In America

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My fellow classmates, we live in a day and age where nobody has time for anything, let alone checking the ingredients of their food. It is this mindset that has led to high cancer rates, an epidemic of obesity, and general unhealthiness in America. After extensive research, I’ve come up with two main reasons for these problems, First, The constant consumption of fast food is a big reason for health issues in society. Second, the presence of G.M.O.s in almost everything we eat. Another problem is the misconception that eating healthy is impossible without going broke, which simply isn’t true, but before we get to all that, let’s talk about the first problem, overconsumption of fast food. While eating fast food every once in awhile won’t hurt you, I enjoy a big mac every once in awhile, the issue is that you can’t drive 10 miles without seeing a fast food restaurant. The amount of fast food outlets in America has doubled since 1970, coincidentally the number of obese Americans has doubled since 1970 as well. The problem with fast food is that not only is it high in fat, but that fat is trans fat, which has no nutritional value. Trans fat is so unhealthy that it is actually banned in …show more content…

GMOs have not been tested on humans and is just one of the many reasons why they should not be consumed by humans. They have a very long list of side effects that are present in animals, soon humans will be affected too. Taking a stand against GMOs is key. If we want local farmers to continue growing their crops by not using genetic mutations, we need to start buying their produce. Not only is buying locally grown food healthier, but also that food you are purchasing will still be available later on in our lives. Although the pricing may change over time, you are paying for the quality of the food. GMOs were not meant to be consumed and conflict with our body’s. By consuming GMOs and fast food you are putting your own life at

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