Essay Should College Counselor Be Able To Check Instagram

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Should College Counselor be able to check your Instagram?

I believe everyone in this world has heard of social networking and almost everyone uses it. Social networking sites have gotten a big part in everyone’s life. A lot of successful companies use social media, for their business or commercials. Social media will be always present in your life.Six Degrees was the first social networking site, it was published in 1970. Six Degrees was a social networking site, where you could make an account and add friends and chat with them,
Even people who didn’t have an account were able to look up people. This site existed for six years from 1997 to 2001. Since 2000 the internet was all around the States.And in 2004 Facebook got published since then the social media boom existed. Instagram only existed …show more content…

A lot of high schoolers post videos or photos of them doing drugs or other illegal things and post it on social media,to get likes and look cool. But colleges are allowed using social networking information, because they don’t go into details, they just want to find out how the student looks like and what type of person they’re (Henderson). If your social media account looks normal to you, you don’t have to be scared the college counselor, may accept you if your application looks okay. Most of the time College counselors only look up people that look special to them (College Admission). If you’re not sure about a post you want to post go ask your parents or one of your teachers, you also shouldn’t post too emotional. Colleges are not allowed to find out information about you if your account is private, but if your account is not private, everyone is legally able to see it (Employers, get Outta my Facebook). Colleges use social media to represent their college, in hope to get better. Colleges should be allowed to represent