5.2Staff: The policies for the staff help the staff to understand what is expected of them and to deal with the everyday issues that they might come across while working in the school. i. Grievance policy ii. Induction of new staff policy iii. Staff absence policy iv.
School governors . Senior management team . Other statutory roles e.g. SENCO . Teachers . Support staff roles The strategic purpose of school governors is; to oversee the responsibility for all matters, taking part in the recruitment of staff and play a role in the development and review of school policies.
The overall educational ministry of the congregation is functional and benefits the majority. The Christian Education Committee takes the time to listen to the concerns of the community and asks for feedback on activities, so that activities may be edited for spiritual growth and expanding knowledge of religion. By listening to the concerns of the congregation and being knowledgeable of the needs of the community, FCCNH promotes spiritual growth through transmitting the tradition, applying faith to lives, and promoting social transformation. The committee at times becomes preoccupied with becoming irrelevant or exclusive. It is important that the activities of the church hold meaning for its congregants.
You can see the bureaucratic perspective when looking at the hierarchy of the school. The school has one principal and two assistant principals, who, along with other responsibilities, must evaluate every teacher every school year. With a bureaucratic approach the administrator’s role is to closely supervise and evaluate the staff (Owens & Valesky, 2011, p. 15). Another example of the bureaucratic approach is the how new supervisory positions have been added over the years. Those would include two assistant principals, a Special Education/504 Coordinator, an Athletic Director, a Director of Guidance, and five Academic Coordinators.
School governor are made up of at least 20 people who work as a team to meet goals and support the schoolâ€TMs educational system and improve ser-vices for example, personal issues, support groups and activities etc. The governors are selected based on the links they have with the community and local authority. They help bring new concepts to manage the school effectively and work closely within the commu-nity for example raise money for charity organisations to contribute to the society. The governors represent the support staff and work together to raise issues and concerns. This helps structure the school management and improve the system as a whole.
School Governors School governors are volunteers made up of parents, teachers, other school staff, local authority staff, and community workers. There are 10-20 team members and they are responsible for running the school. They are divided into small committees involved in the school budget spending, school site, attendance, welfare and curriculum. The role of the governing board is strategic; its key functions are to: • set the aims and objectives for the school
There are four types of schools that are classed as †̃maintainedâ€TM schools which are; foundation and trust schools, community schools, specialist schools, and voluntary schools. There are also other types of schools such as; independent schools, academies and grammar schools. Maintained schools are funded in part by government money which is funnelled through local authorities. Foundation schools have a governing body which, in agreement with the local authority, will set out the schools admissions policy. The school buildings and land will be owned by the governing body or the schools own charitable foundation.
Parents need to know what is expected of them in order to support the vision of the school. Students need to have high expectations set in order for him/her to reach their full potential. All stakeholders need to be aware of why your school is a great place to work so they can convey that same message to the community. Everyone has to be committed to one another to make a school successful. It is about all the students within the building not just the twenty students in your
The responsibility of developing positive relationships between the school, community, and parents include administration to include the superintendent, principals, teaching staff, and all non-instructional staff employed by the school. Each member of the staff has responsibility to some degree to develop and help maintain positive relations within the community. The role of the superintendent should be that of the leader. This role is the most important dealing with school and community relations. The superintendent is the liaison between parents and the schools if there are problems that are not resolved between the two.
A school may be department teams, grade level teams, administrative teams each person has a voice within their team if it is working properly. When an issues arises feelings and concerns need to be addressed than a decision should be made. The decision must be made without bias and the team goal must remain in tacked. In Challenger K8 the Postive Behaiovr Support Team was introducing requirements for nine week celebration events.
To Whom It May Concern, I would be honored to be considered for the vital school captaincy, and if selected I would bring to the role a different perspective, a plethora of experience as well as a proficiency for leadership which will endow me with the capacity to excel in this position. The role of school captain to me rests upon the major need for the student to be adequately represented in school leadership, thereby ensuring that their educative experience is one that is facilitated by the best possible learning environment. Furthermore, the school captaincy carries the intense responsibility of being the connection between governing council, the schools executive management and the students, this facilitation of communication is absolutely vital in ensuring the interrelation of the school. Additionally, it is the role of any student leader to recognize issues within the school that need to be recognized and go about following the in-place procedures to rectify said issues.
Endeavouring to mentor and guide the whole school in working better for all the stakeholders but most especially the students. This is achieved by providing faculty, staff and school personnel with the necessary support and training, education and information to parents and school owners (or the Board) and putting in place the right conditions, incentives and rewards to positively impact on teaching and learning. My leadership style also places importance on offering job and intellectual stimulation, support to individual members of staff, modelling best practice and sharing some autonomy and mentoring. Setting the Direction of the
Schooling: Although education is taught in schools, schools have a very different role than education as previously discussed. Schools should be the institutions in which our students are able to partake in a well-rounded curriculum-based education. Schools are the institution that should foster a physically and emotionally safe environment where students are able to express their developing ideas and emotions. This type of environment creates an academically nurturing atmosphere where students are allowed to express new ideas about their education but also a place where they can discuss their views on the world events around them. School institutions are a place that students are able to relate social events happening in the world.
8. Effective leaders will create teams and committees to construct cohesive groups to promote a supportive school climate. 9. Effective leaders will reflect on their responsibilities and self assess for improvement of the operational formation within the school, promoting school growth. 10.