
Explain Why Are You Interested In Administration Of A Catholic School Program

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Why are you interested in administration of a Catholic school program?
I believe every child is a gift from God and I love to see them share their gifts with others. Being a principal gives me the opportunity to share my passion in education with more students, teachers, and families.

What are the unique attributes of Catholic education? How would a visitor know they had entered a Catholic school?
A Catholic education is committed to educate the whole child. Catholic schools are a community of faith that’s delivered through each aspect of the school’s curriculum and programs. A visitor would see the warm and intimate atmosphere of the school. The bonds between students and teachers are evident through interactions. The environment will show signs of the Catholic culture. …show more content…

Building relationships is a key component of a successful administrator. I would build these relationships with staff, students, and parents by being welcoming to all. I will listen, support, and empower staff to continue to grow professionally. I will be a fixed figure throughout their daily routine. They will feel comfortable to come and talk with me on good and bad days. I will work in partnership with and support parents as the primary educators of their children.

What do you consider as your greatest asset as an administrator?
My passion for continued growth is one of my greatest assets. No matter what role I’ve taken on I’ve always strived to improve. Passion is contagious and rubs off on others. I love to learn new things and empower others to do the same.

What role does technology play in instruction in a Catholic school classroom?
Technology is an integral part of today’s world. We must prepare our students’ to become avid learners in a technology world. It’s also our duty to help them develop a strong moral and ethical framework while using

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