A teenager accomplishes many goals throughout their life, but receiving their driver’s can not only be an accomplishment, but a threat to the driving community. The age limit for teenagers to receive their driver’s license should be changed for various reasons and problems caused by their specific age group. The law as to the age whereas teenagers should receive their driver’s license should be changed to the age of eighteen. Driver's under the age of eighteen are still immature and irresponsible, and are not capable of being able to drive and care for a car. My perspective on this is very strong for various reasons. The age at which teenagers receive their driver's license should be raised due to many irresponsible and immature teenagers who …show more content…
In “Teen Driving” a quote said by Alic, Margaret, and Cait Caffrey states: “The researchers concluded that ‘competent driving involves dedicated attention to road conditions using all senses; dangerously, both the novice and the distracted driver's fail to appreciate their responsibility. Elimination of distraction is key to preventing further mortality’” (The Caffrey’s 1). An average teenage driver does not have the experience that an older driver does with plenty of years behind-the-wheel. Inexperience is the number one threat for teenage divers as of 2017. Myrna Chandler and Mark Allan Goldstein conclude that, “‘A concerning number of teens are not receiving safe driving educational messages from parents, doctors, or driver’s education classes’” (“Drugged/Drunk Driving” 2). Clearly, driver educational classes are not enough for a teenager to learn what a driver must do in challenging situations. Driving classes focus on what may come up on the test and how to pass it rather than teaching their students how to properly drive and driving regulations. This explains why teenage driver's must receive better education in order for them to become better solo