Explain Why We Should Be Able To Go To School Later Essay

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I wake up at six, everyday, like most other students in my school. I have to get to school at 7:20 some days, and I am constantly tired but my body won’t let me sleep until about eleven. A continuous problem is trying to be on top of school but also having sleep. Students should be able to go to school later. Two reasons for this is because they perform more poorly academically because of no sleep and another is it’s damaging students’ health. Although some may argue that it’s too costly to push school to be at a later time. A reason we need to put school is because of the the poor academic performance. As an illustration from the text “Bright and Early...or Not?” by Achieve3000, they say “Now, more U.S. school districts are beginning to heed the advice of scientists who have long said that asking teens to show up to class before 8:00 a.m. isn't good for their health or their report cards.” Ultimately this is saying schools have decided to change because of what scientists are proposing as solid evidence; they say that it is bad for their report cards, referring to their …show more content…

According to “Support for sleeping in? Half of parents favor later school start times for teens” by Achieve3000, they say, “Among the national sample of parents with teens aged 13-17 whose middle or high schools started before 8:30 a.m., about 2 in 5 believed later start times would allow their teens more sleep and 1 in 5 said it would improve school performance.” This is actually saying this is talking about how parents feel about later school times and how they feel it will impact health. This shows how they perform academically because the parents feel it would improve with later school times, which shows how school times should be later because of a decrease in academic performance. A quote from “Support for sleeping in? Half of parents favor later school start times for teens”