Fedex Mission Statement

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It is easily understood that in the business world, all companies need to make money but compromising yourself and your integrity can be a healthy price to pay. Whether you are conducting business or just being a business owner in general, in order to succeed you must have a clear understanding and purpose of the task at hand. Making a profit is ideal but it should not be your only motivating factor. Any company that upholds its ethical values is a very positive thing because it not only attracts future a current investors but it increases sales and increases productivity in the workplace. One of the very first things I do prior to an interview is study the mission and value statement of the potential employer so that I can be able to discuss it prior to my interview. During my job search, I was surprised to see that not all companies value their company enough to create a mission statement. Perhaps this is mistake number one. If you do not have a thorough understanding of your companies values why should an employee be held accountable? Accountability …show more content…

Once I read the book, Faith at Work by Michael Zigarelli, it changed my perspective on just being a package handler. I was no longer validated by the size of my paycheck or my position within the company. Instead, I was validated by being productive and knowing that the work I was doing was pleasing to God. I worked as though God was standing right beside me cheering me on to be the best package handler I could be. When I shared that story with some people, they looked at me as though I was insane but I knew and understood the bigger picture at hand. I think if this concept was more closely understood and accepted a little more by people in general being productive and doing good ethical business would become a valid goal for one to establish and