
Future Business Leaders Of America Of FBLA

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Joining clubs and participating in activities within your school is like setting yourself up for your future goals by getting new contacts and meeting new people. School clubs and activities are great opportunities that students can take to gain experience in a certain area of expertise. Some of these clubs and activities are more well known and joined because of the many great learning experiences it offers. Out of all the clubs students enjoy, one of them is Future Business Leaders of America of FBLA. FBLA is one club that students enjoy because it offers opportunities to meet people with the same interest, develop skills in leading a business, and meet successful business leaders around our community. One opportunity FBLA offers is the chance to meet people with the same interest in leading a future business. This makes it easier for everything to come together like the different parts of a s’more working together to make a sweet delight in your mouth. For example, one project the students of FBLA put together was to earn money for club shirts by conducting a donut sale. In order for that to happen, the students had to work together to achieve the goal they wanted to reach, so having the same interest made the process easier. Along …show more content…

For example, when the students conducted the donut sale they were taught how to best handle their money to ensure it was all accounted for. This helped them to know how to keep track of their income as they heard the sound of money being made in the process. Also during the donut sale, the students encountered a friendly donation from a customer. This meant that there were extra donuts, so having the skills to handle their money helped determine how many donuts they could have for themselves. Therefore, with this skill and many more the club members can be prepared to become successful business leaders like the ones they’re able to

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