Georgia State University Application Essay

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My name is Madison Keith, I am a rising junior in high school and I want to attend Georgia State University for dual enrollment because I personally feel that it will prepare me for my future. Many people have told me that college and high school are not alike at all. High school gets you to college, but there are many transitions that will be unfamiliar to me. The fact that I will be able to adjust to college classes before my senior year will not only prepare me, but will also teach me responsibility. Taking college courses in addition to my high school courses will give me a chance to get a feel for college life/work, and it will improve my communication skills talking to my professors and counselor if I have any problems and communicating …show more content…

Georgia State University is on my list of colleges I want to attend in the future and GSU really interested me, the campus is beautiful, there are many opportunities for me to grow as a person and a student, and I also noticed the many degree & major choices they have, but what really made GSU different from my other choices was how close it is to home, and I heard alot about the most known programs which are business, management, and marketing programs, these are one of the many things I want to study in college. GSU is a good choice for me because its most known programs are what I want to focus on in my future career. Something I look forward to is the college experience I’d gain and the growth of that experience. I'm very confident in my ability to balance school and life at home, so there’s nothing I'm apprehensive about. I'm very serious about my grades and I feel like doing these courses and earning good grades will further challenge and motivate me throughout the rest of my high school years. Being in these classes with an actual professor will allow me to learn to toughen up for college, become more independent, and be able to advocate for myself when dealing with other students &