How Can Animal Testing Be Done Persuasive Essay

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Introduction Paragraph:

Some think that animal testing is the right thing to do, but others think that it is a harsh and cruel thing to do to living things. The work you have done has promoted the idea that it is perfectly ok to test your cosmetic products on creatures that have no say in the matter. Should you be allowed to torture these animals? What gives you the right to hurt them when they are innocent creatures that feel pain and suffer terribly? It's clear to the general public that overall animal testing should not be done. Animal testing cannot be ignored because it can cause animals pain, and the end result can lead to death. There are other ways to resolve this issue.

BODY Paragraphs (make sure you indent):
Some people believe animals do not feel pain the way humans do, but animals feel pain and they suffer much like people do. When animals undergo product testing, many suffer damage to their vision since the researchers are putting things in the animal's eyes. Is there not another way to test cosmetics that does not lead to suffering? Yes, there is. Many other companies have found ways to do this, such as Lush. Why not you? In addition to the torment of the actual experiments, …show more content…

Many agree that it is more likely that someone would care more about themselves than an animal dying. However, if you ask people whether or not they support animal testing for cosmetics, they overwhelmingly are against it. According to, the Humane Society of the United States 67 percent of American voters oppose testing cosmetics on animals. Many people look for the labels that say that a product are not tested on animals, and your company will no longer be able to apply that label truthfully since you will be testing your products. How will that affect your sales? Will you lose customers because the fact that they found out you use animals for

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