
How Did Romeo And Juliet Change

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“O happy dagger,/This is thy sheath” (act 5, scene 3, line 171). All the time, people can change. Maybe it can be someone galls in love, death, heartbreak, etc. Some people do irrational things, anger, act without thinking, become independent, defiant, and many more. One person that changed after finding her love was Juliet from William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. Juliet started to change once she met Romeo at her father’s masquerade ball and realized that she loved him and wanted to cherish him, even though she said to herself that she wasn’t looking for love anytime soon. In act 1, scene 3, line 100 Juliet says, “But no more deep will I endear mine eye.” Juliet will acknowledge Paris as a person but will not look at him as a lover. In act 2, scene 2, line 140 Juliet says, “The more I have, for both are infinite.” …show more content…

After finding out, she no longer wanted to be with anyone but Romeo. She changed from being happy with no conflict to being in distress with his exile, the nurse turning on her, and her only choice to not marry Paris is suicide. The death of Romeo makes Juliet commit suicide. Not wanting to find someone new, she wants to be with Romeo even in the afterlife. She does not care about anyone anymore, except Romeo. In Act 5, Scene 3, Line 165 Juliet says “Go, get thee hence, for I will not be away.” Juliet will stay with Romeos body no matter what. Line 175 Juliet says, “O happy dagger!” Juliet has committed suicide with the dagger that Romeo had. Even after Romeo is dead, she still wishes to be with him. Even taking her own life just to be with him. She makes that decision without even thinking about others, like her family and the nurse. Ultimately in the end she puts her life to an end just to be with Romeo. She has changed from not wanting to marry anyone to ending herself just to be with her lover. She doesn't even think about anyone but her and

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