Instructor Roles In Experiential Learning

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Instructor Roles in Experiential Learning In experiential learning, the instructor guides and facilitate the students and the process rather than directs the learning process where students are naturally interested in learning. The instructor assumes the role of facilitator and is guided by a number of steps crucial to experiential learning as noted by (Wurdinger & Carlson, 2010, p. 13). 1. The teacher is willing to accept a less teacher-centric role in the classroom. 2. Approach the learning experience in a positive, non-dominating way. 3. Identify an experience in which students will find interest and be personally committed. 4. Explain the purpose of the experiential learning situation to the students. 5. Share your feelings and thoughts …show more content…

5. Evaluation in this model takes three forms which are facilitation feedback, mid-course assessment and peer evaluation. In a nut shell, experiential learning experiences help to complete students‟ preparation for their chosen careers which reinforce course content and theory. Students learn through student- rather than instructor-centered experiences by doing, discovering, reflecting and applying. Through these experiences students develop communication skills and self-confidence and gain and strengthen decision-making skills by responding to and solving real world problems and processes. Assessment of Experiential Learning Assessment is an integral part of the experiential learning process. It provides a basis for “participants and instructors alike to confirm and reflect on the learning and growth that has and is occurring.” Further, proper assessment methods engender a “reflective process that ensures continued growth long after specific learning opportunities have been completed” (Bassett & Jackson, 1994, p. 73). Without the “appropriate assessment tool, such as a self-assessment, the educator might not ever realize that significant learning occurred. Therefore, classroom educators should search for assessment techniques that measure more than just the ability to remember information” (Wurdinger, 2005, p. …show more content…

Because students are working on different projects, or participating in different external activities, they can’t all be expected to learn the exact same things, and each student may take away something different from the experience. Beyond the variability of activities, there is also the variability amongst the different students. In experiential learning, these two types of variables are often uncontrollable, and thus have to be accounted for when developing assessment methods. Ewert and Sibthorp have broken these “confounding variables” down into three areas based on what part of the experiential learning cycle they affect. The confounding variables are either precursors, concomitant, or post