
John Brown Research Paper

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I think John Brown is a killer and destroyer of land. Some people think he should have gotten hanged and others think he shouldn't. You should believe he is a villain because he committed murder, destroyed property, and committed treason. Adding onto that, he killed innocent people because he thought they were slaves. Destroyed people's property when trying to free slaves. Tried to start a rebellion with the government to stop slavery. That’s why I think he is a villain. Here are some reasons why John Brown is a villain. “In Kansas where you had entered my home, I took my two boys and husband in handcuffs. Brought them to the front yard and shot them dead in front of me. We never had any slaves and never thought of owning one. So you can not …show more content…

According to the article, John Brown lied in his speech before he was sentenced to death. “I went to Missouri, took slaves and armed them, soon leading them through the country where I would leave them in Canada” (Brown Document F) This quote states that he lied to the judge before his death sentence. This proves he is not trustworthy. Historians have proven that Brown is a villain. He had intended to start a rebellion against the government. “I would storm Harpers Ferry where I was then captured then later hanged for treason” (Brown Document C) This proves he's a villain because he had committed treason which is one of the biggest rules he could break. He also attacked Harpers Ferry to try and kill the government, with hundreds of slaves giving them each pike to help kill. He could have been seen as a hero because he freed slaves and was the only one trying to do something about slaves. That does not give him the right to commit treason, murder, or destroy property. This evidence proves he is a villain because he did the worst way possible to try and free slaves. In conclusion, Brown is a villain by killing innocent people and committing

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