
Leadership And Collaboration: Effective Communication In The Classroom

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Entry 10: Leadership and Collaboration
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, support staff, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Summary of Artifacts
The artifacts used are evidence of my collaborative efforts to continue seeking opportunities and ways to improve my effectiveness as a teacher by becoming and advocate for better quality education and demonstrating leadership in my classroom, school district, and community. I understand the importance of developing and building lasting relationships with my students, their families, fellow educators, …show more content…

She had shared these notes with me in reference to a conversation I had with her about math in elementary schools. We had discussed the importance of assessing what gaps students may have in math concepts upon advancing to another grade level at school. We had a lengthy discussion about understanding if a student was missing a key learning concept when developing number sense, it could have a direct impact on their learning potential in advanced grades. More importantly, we noted how going through the process of quickly assessing what a student knows and understands about mathematical concepts and principles through pretest before introducing new concepts would help us identify where the breakdowns were so we could develop effective reteaching to catch them up with their peers. She shared her notes from the conference she had attended and asked for my thoughts. After reviewing her notes, I agreed he information could prove beneficial and she had a copy sent to me. The artifact is evidence of a collaborative effort to share information which could directly impact and enhance my future students learning …show more content…

Therefore, I understand the importance of working closely with parents, other teachers, administrators, and community members to ensure a learning experience that addresses the whole student, both academically and personally. Parents’ involvement in the students’ learning can be very beneficial in increasing the students’ academic achievement. Partnering with parents will help me understand about their goals and expectations for their child. Additionally, it will open communications to help us work as a team to support the student’s needs at home with homework, improving any behavior issues, and bridging cultural gaps which may exist. Secondly, working with other teachers and administrators will help me broaden my instructional strategies and provide me with valuable insight and knowledge they can provide. Being a new teacher, it is easy to feel unsure of how to handle certain situations or to understand if my learning objectives are meeting the needs of all my students. Collaborating with other teachers will help me improve my own skills and techniques, as well as enhance my own lesson planning through the sharing of wisdom and ideas. Finally, strengthening ties within the community can build lasting support in developing enriched programs and opportunities for

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