
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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Sculptor, painter, and inventor are three words that people often use when describing Leonardo Da Vinci. Little do these people realize that he was so much more. Leonardo Da Vinci showed that all people, even illegitimate children, could be strong in the face of pain, could make new discoveries when no one else would, and could be recognized by the whole world as one of the greatest painters of all time. Leonardo left a legacy that not many people could today, as an artist, inventor, anatomist, scientist, and so much more. Da Vinci’s early life was not a perfect one. When he was born in 1452, he was automatically shunned by his mother, due to him being an illegitimate child. (bio.com) Taking care of him as best he could, Leonardo’s father …show more content…

He made many lasting contributions to art and science. His art is, and always will be considered masterpieces. Da Vinci hardly ever finished his artwork, so he had a lot of half complete pieces.(CD) In 1483, Leonardo Da Vinci began one of his most famous paintings, “Virgin of the Rocks.” (bio.com) There is a lot of controversy over which painting is Leonardo Da Vinci’s best, and “The Last Supper” is definitely a competitor. Starting this mural in 1495 and finishing in 1498, “The Last Supper” was damaged over the years, yet people still love it. (britannica.com)(Part) Another piece of Leonardo Da Vinci’s art that is considered his best by many is “The Mona Lisa.” Leonardo took this everywhere with him. In 1503, Da Vinci started the painting, and in 1512, he finally finished it. (Brown 71, 79) Although it took nine years to complete, people are happy that he put so much work into it (Brown 71, 79).(CX) Da Vinci made some great art through his life, and yet, he still had time for scientific discoveries. In 1480, Leonardo started seriously studying anatomy. (Bio.com) Soon after, in 1490, Leonardo Da Vinci attempted to build a flying machine, and in 1506 he started building a helicopter. However, neither of these were ever tested. (Brown 72) Leonardo built many other things, but these stand out the

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