Massachusetts Vs Louisiana Essay

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Louisiana vs. Massachusetts
Figuring out where to live is hard. Often we want to live in a place where things are peaceful and well rounded. A state with good health care, education, infrastructure, opportunities, economy, government, and correction of crime is what people will look for when moving to a new state. Living in the state of Louisiana is not the best choice a person can make when moving to another state. Instead, it is better to move out of Massachusetts when planning to move. Living in the state of Massachusetts is the best state in the United States. In the state of Louisiana, there is not so much health care, education infrastructures, and the economy and government opportunities.
Living in Louisiana is a bad state to live in because the health care system is not that great. Louisiana is ranked 45th in health care. Which means that adult dental visits, adult wellness visits, child dental visits, health care affordability, health …show more content…

In the state of Louisiana education does not score its best. Education is meager, making it rank 46th place(). Louisiana’s education system is not the best as to the state of Massachusetts. John Kennedy, state treasurer, says “our state's revenue is down about 17%. That means we're losing hundreds of millions of dollars for things like education and healthcare”(Samelian). In the other hand, the state of Massachusetts does score pretty well when it comes to education,ranked number one(“Massachusetts Is the Best State in America”). The state of Massachusetts has a 49% of college-educated students(“Massachusetts Is the Best State in America”). Leaving Louisiana with a 29% of college-educated students (“Louisiana Ranks Last Among U.S. States”). Overall graphs have shown that massachusetts high school students show college readiness in the math act scores, scoring a whole 74% (“Massachusetts Is the Best State in