
My First Semester At Arizona State University

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As my first semester at Arizona State comes to a close I reflect on all the improvement I have made as a person. This semester I have made many discoveries about myself. I found that I am capable of much more than I give myself credit for. I realized this semester that I picked the right major to be in because I have enjoyed my agribusiness class. I also learned that I enjoy being involved in college organizations. WPC 101 was a great class to get to know other people in business school. The most pleasant surprise of being in WPC 101 was how close I got to some of the other students in class.
Some of my other classes were very interesting. My favorite from this semester was my Agribusiness 100 which was taught by Carola Grebitus. We learned about the how to build a business with your own idea. Next semester I am excited to see what my Sociology class will have to offer. My biggest challenge I have had this semester was keeping my grade up in my brief calculus class. It was a struggle but between tutoring and help from my peers I was able to do okay. Unfortunately, that was not my only math class that was required for my major so next semester I am going to start off strong and not get lazy half way through. …show more content…

Going to office hours helped with projects, assignments and tests. I have also build relationships with other students in the school of business. Next semester I would like to build relationships with students older than me with the same degree so they can tell me what they like about their major. My goals have not changed much from the beginning of the semester to the end. My personal goal for this semester was to have a 3.5 GPA which I believe will happen. As for my professional ambition I have a goal to work for the Department of

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