My Personal Statement

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Perseverance through the highs and lows of life is a quality that is not easily attained. This is a quality that takes time and reflections, one that I am tuning as I go through college and onwards on my path to becoming a physician. However, this comes with experience, moments in our lives where we are on our feet one second and then fall down the next but manage to get back up. This is one of the various reasons I am interested in becoming a fellow. I admire the fact that students are expected to do things on their own, to build connections at home and overseas, to be able to persevere through problems that occur, and at the same time delve into a research topic and personalize it to their interests. This free reign is an invaluable opportunity …show more content…

We do this because we believe in the power of discussion and how we can turn that into an action, a way we can gain knowledge, spread it, and serve our community. Similarly, in the Brueggeman fellowship, students take a yearlong research project and go from analyzing different sources and gathering information, to being able to travel anywhere in order to find their own first-hand evidence and apply their plan, while also creating their own experiences. Being able to turn a discussion or research project into an action is a skill I plan to develop, and this fellowship will be an additional opportunity that will allow me to do …show more content…

Some countries that use a Beveridge model are Great Britain, Spain, and New Zealand. This model consists of the health care being provided and financed by the government through tax payments. Also, the government owns many of the hospitals and clinics, so they can control the costs and what the doctors can do. In the Bismarck model, Germany, France, and Switzerland are a few of the countries that use this type. This model has a health insurance plan that has to cover everyone, and no profit is made. Also, employers and employees finance the insurance system through payroll

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