
NASA Budget Essay

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During the 1960s, NASA has a very low budget, which was only 5% of the federal budget, meaning it was challenging to do many things involving outer space with very little money. Now, NASA only gets less than .5% from the budget. Even then with only that much money keeping rovers and continuing to send people and things out will become a big problem financially
“The budget has been eaten by the space shuttle and the low-earth-orbit space station being built two decades late to finally provide a destination for the wandering shuttle”
After Apollo, the money for space exploration has been cut down big time. The funding has become ⅕ of the budget in 1965, which is less than .8% of the federal budget. This doesn’t just cut down the money for this program, it also shortens the money for the exploration of the moon, and other planets. This program would spend an insane amount of money, that NASA might not even have …show more content…

If humans had the technology to make the surface of Mars habitable, then we’d also have the technology to make Earth habitable again, which makes colonization of Mars

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