National Junior Honor Society Essay

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Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.” In other words, the definition of leadership does not mean someone who wants to do an article of business all himself or get all the credit for doing it. Instead, leadership means someone who guides or directs a group of people. Good leaders develop through an endless process of self-study, education, and experience. National Junior Honor Society presents a tremendous opportunity for me; I would love to be involved in NJHS to share my ideas while also listening to my other peers’ ideas as well. I love helping those in need and I have volunteered throughout my community. For example, I have helped host parties for young children, cooperated with my fellow students while participating in assisting organize school events, providing services to teachers and faculty, inspiring cheerleaders on our school’s cheer team, and more. I serve my community in many ways that affect me but also other people. …show more content…

Citizenship means being respectful to everyone around them, caring about your community, being informed about the needs within a community, and doing your best to make your home and community a better place. On the other hand, your actions define your character. For example, I show citizenship and character during the time in between each of our classes. If a student drops his or her books on the floor, I would stop and assist my fellow student in picking up their books. Another example would be sharing. These days, people are so uptight that they would not even lend a simple pen to their best friend. Not me however, if one of my fellow students asks to borrow a pencil, I would not hesitate to bring out a pencil and lend it to