Net Neutrality And Benefits Of The Internet

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Together with the advancement of technology is the development of the Internet, which is evidently being widely used across the globe. The Internet largely benefits people of different ages and walks of life for it provides information in just a click. But if there could be someone or something that is benefited most by the Internet, it could be the Business Sector. It is because the Internet bridges business entities to their customers and suppliers and is also a means of advertising products.
Unfortunately, not all the websites could be accessed equally by all internet users. There are blocked websites, limited information or content to be retrieved, and sometimes, fees are charged for a consumer to unlimitedly use an online service or access a website. For that reason, on May 2010, the Federal Communications Commission presented a “strong net neutrality protections that said internet service providers could not block websites or impose limits on users” (“This is net neutrality: More than…”, 2015). The FCC’s Open Internet rules were adopted on February 26, 2015 and went into effect on June 12, 2015. In USA Today, …show more content…

With the Open Internet rules, all Internet users could freely access the contents of a website with no VIP treatments (due to premium accounts which are paid monthly) and “prioritized Web traffic (reserving the fastest loading speeds for the highest bidders and sticking everyone else with the slowest)” (“On Jan. 14, 2014, a federal court…”, 2015, par. 5). Information provided in an online journal, for example, would not be filtered by the IPSs. Most of all, Net Neutrality is important for businesses also in advertising their product, creating a market, distribution and connecting with consumers. There would be no websites blocked or applications rejected by the IPSs in order for them to reduce