Norfolk State University Personal Statement

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One of my proudest accomplishments will be to graduate and walk that stage in May of 2018. I entered Norfolk State University as a freshman in 2012, and the journey has been rigorous. A lot of highs and a lot of downs have occurred, but I have endured. The last five years have allowed me to find out who I am really am and what I would like to do with my life. During my time at the University, many drastic events have occurred. The birth of my son has to be the major event that really changed my perspective on life after undergrad. Despite everything that I’ve endured, I have proven myself to be goal-oriented, a team builder, and a proven leader. For the past three years, I’ve studied biology in the woods building at Norfolk State. Courses such as zoology, botany, genetics, embryology, and others have aided in my increased interest in science. During my tenure, I’ve conducted a few research projects. In the fall of 2016, a colleague and myself researched the different proteins within bee venom. We learned about the coagulation properties of bee venom in vertebrates and invertebrates. …show more content…

A picture from my tenure as Student Government President is hanging on the third floor of the student union. My job as Student government president was the most challenging position as a student leader. It required teamwork, dedication, planning, and some time away from my studies as a student. Also, I am member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.; The brothers of my fraternity and I have completed a large amount of community service events across the Hampton roads. Other organizations I have participated in includes the Residence Hall association, student ambassadors, and biology society. I will forever be grateful for my time and the activities I have partaken in while being at