Personal Statement

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I am interested in the Arts and Science program at McMaster for many reasons, but a few of them include self-discovery, an influential community, and an exceptional education. I have always been devoted to following my dreams and have always desired a fulfilling education, which I know will be available to me in this program. For a while now, I have been struggling to narrow down an exact plan for my future. It has been a difficult decision for me to choose a specific undergrad program because by choosing only one, I worry about closing up an opportunity for a different pathway. After some research, I came across McMaster’s Arts and Science program and realized that this program is more tailored to the type of person I am. It’s the perfect …show more content…

I have always looked forward to a rich and long-lasting education in university, while also learning applicable skills and ideas I can use in my everyday life. I thrive in teamwork environments where everyone can contribute to an end goal. I also value the smaller community feel of what this program offers, because it encourages close relationships with both your fellow classmates and professors. This is very important to me because I believe it encourages personal initiative, teamwork and cooperation with fellow classmates; two very important aspects needed for success. I can visualize myself being successful and ultimately benefiting from this program, knowing that it sets me up to pursue many different pathways in life so that I am able to discover what exactly I am passionate about. McMaster’s Arts and Science program will provide me with all the tools I need to develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and also cooperative learning skills. I appreciate McMaster’s unique program of Arts & Science, since it allows students to open their minds about the potential of learning many diverse subjects in a single program, unlike any

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