
Personal Statement

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Tomorrow, I can see myself working hard to get good grades, focusing on school work, and having a good time with my friends (like any other teen). In two years, I can see myself graduating high school with satisfaction and more determination than ever, and being proud of what I’ve so far accomplished. In ten years, I can see myself finally becoming the doctor I’ve set out to be. One thing I’m still deciding on is a specialty, rather it be cardiology, oncology, radiology, or something else. I’ve been looking into hematology (the study of blood) and oncology ( the study of tumors).

If I could decide my future right now, this very second, I would definitely decide to become a doctor. I’ve always been interested in working in the medical field, and even more interested when I learned about all of the different specialties you can look into when becoming a doctor. One thing I love about becoming a doctor is the fact that there is an endless list of things you can do, which gives you the chance to find out what you’re really good at and love. …show more content…

Some people say that good grades is key to getting into college and others say that they don’t really matter. In my opinion, good grades aren’t key but they really help you out in the long run. Having good grades gives you more opportunities, like scholarships and NHS, which looks look on college applications and

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