Personal Statement

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Curiosity has always been a big part of my personality, ever since I was young I have loved exploring to find out why and how things work. I would break things down and then try to fix them again purely to know what components were in charge of what. I had never had the opportunity to study computer science until starting college, this course re lit my childhood passion of finding out how things worked. I love the gratification of being able to find my own unique solution to a problem. Since starting Computer Science at A level, I have been inspired by many female Computer scientists, such as Marissa Mayer; the CEO and president of Yahoo!, Ada Lovelace; The woman who was recognised to have written the first algorithm to be carried out by a machine. These women have been an inspiration to me, proving that women can do extremely well in computer science, making me aspire to be an inspiration to other young women who want to be involved in subjects that are thought of to be male orientated.
Studying computer forensics at university would allow me to delve deeper into understanding the hidden complexities of the latest technology. It would also allow me to take my …show more content…

Maths has strengthened my problem-solving skills by making me look at problems from different perspectives and allowing me to learn how to solve them in many different ways. Psychology has also been a great option to have as it focuses on mind and behaviour, this can then be passed onto a computer so that I can learn how it behaves and what makes it function best. Psychology has also been a big part in my computer science coursework as I am creating a program that aids psychology revision. I chose to do this as it will help me to stay organised during the exam period and strengthen my coding and problem solving skills whilst having to listen to and cater towards what the user wants to program to

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