Personal Statement

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Before I went to the career institute, my dream job was to work at Edelman Public Relations as there Senior Account Supervisor in either the Chicago or New York office. The responsibilities of this job includes solving any problems that may arise internally and externally, manage budget while simultaneously checking for quality work and using third party influencers when needed. I planned to reach these goals by doing more internships that focus more on the solving problems and using influencers. I was planning on taking more finance classes to learn more on how to manage a budget and use excel at a more advanced level. I planned to network more that way I can have more people to connect with when necessary. Lastly, I would go to more events …show more content…

I realized the importance of being prepared when I was rushing right before because I did not print out my resume before hand. While at the institute I learned that in order to find a job or internship it’s important to make the most of every single opportunity provided. For example, when I was walking around the networking side of the career institute, if anyone would talk to me I would do my best to talk to them, make a good impression and hand out my resume, even if I did not want to intern there. I also learned that being prepared makes you seem more confident. When I was speaking to my first recruiter she asked me if I had brought a resume with me and when I tried to hand it over I couldn’t find it, it was in my backpack, but in that moment I seemed irresponsible and that was bad for my …show more content…

When I was talking to both Sydney and Daina, we talked about the interview process. They first taught us that it is important to keep in contact with anyone that is able to help me land internships and jobs in the future. I then asked what is the best way to negotiate a salary in an interview and they told me that I should never bring it up and wait for the potential employers to bring it up. I should research what other people in my position are getting paid and compare it to what I am being offered. My next question was what would be the best posture to have and Sydney told me that I should sit upright but not to stiff and appear as confident as possible and the best way to be confident is to be comfortable

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