Personal Statement

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Drama can be overlooked both by students and academics. When I was in secondary school I was fortunate enough to have an incredible teacher who helped me to grow and provided me with a solid base of skills that allowed me to succeed in drama as well as my other subjects. As a secondary drama teacher I want to be able to do this for other students: provide them both with skills within the dramatic field, and the social skills that drama has been proven to develop. I know that some students may struggle with expressing themselves and the performing aspect of drama, this makes it all the more important and as a teacher I would ensure that through my lessons all students would have a space where they could develop these skills without feeling self-conscious. Whilst working at Starbank Primary school I was a Year Five Teaching Assistant, responsible for organising reading sessions and working with a select number of students on the SEN spectrum. At first I found engaging with these students more difficult than I had anticipated. I went away and developed my skills of direct communication through researching techniques and discussing with my class teacher the benefits of holding eye contact and avoiding ambiguous language. …show more content…

This experience has helped me understand the day to day running of a secondary school and has shown me what makes an effective teacher, both through my own practice and observation. I work with all years in the school, assisting within lessons, leading small groups and teaching my own Year Seven class. Through observation I have seen that the most effective teachers ensure that a range of learning techniques have been used, that a familiar routine is utilised and that a relationship built upon mutual respect and trust is built between student and teacher. This is something I would like to build upon in my own practice, and could hopefully develop within

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