Personal Statement

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My engagement with my family is quite distant from what would be considered “the norm” by many teenagers. As a result of my engagement with my family, I have learned many things. I help my family take care of our house by doing chores like vacuuming the carpeted areas of the house, mowing the lawn, and helping my mom cook. These chores taught me to be a responsible person; and in my opinion, learning to be a responsible person is the first milestone on the path to maturity. My dad further authenticated my opinion about me being responsible, by entrusting me his credit card. My father bestowing me his credit card led me to believe that I was very trustworthy. Furthermore, I guide my younger sister through her high school academic career …show more content…

My freshman year I joined a technology club called TSA (Technology Student Association). Every year I attended the South Carolina TSA competition, and have won at least one event each year. I won 1st place in the Webmaster event (9th grade), 2nd place in the Video Game Design (10th grade), and 2nd place in Webmaster (11th grade). Most of the events I participated in were group events that required organization, and leadership skills. I was often the leading person of the groups. It is because of these events that I have developed skills to lead, and organize a group. The coach for the Barnwell TSA chapter recognized my leadership skill, and often asked me to help him with the TSA meetings and election of its officers. I am currently the senior most member of my high school’s TSA chapter, and help the recently joined members of TSA choose their events. Moreover, in my junior year I took Computer Service and Repair class, at the Barnwell County Career Center, which taught me the basics of computers and how to repair them. This class also taught me the basic things I need to know for my field of interest. I am currently preparing to the COMPTIA A+ certification exam in December. If I pass this exam, then I will be a certified computer repair technician. By using the skills I obtained from the Computer Service and Repair class, I was able to fix a few of my friends’