Personal Statement

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As years passed throughout school I always believed the idea of a career would come to me. I then realized this was just the beginning of being truly independent to make my own choices in life. I began to look into many programs but then soon found one that I enjoyed and would think it would both benefit myself and world. I want my ideas and engineering to leave a legacy and know that I have contributed to a development of a part of the world.

Ever since a young age I always wanted to figure out how things work and modify them to make them even better than they were. Even at an age when I attended daycare I enjoyed playing with the Lego, because I could chose what I wanted to build and how it worked and looked. I also enjoyed taking previous …show more content…

I was once told that I have very strong observational skills because of making it to the high level lacrosse team the first year without ever playing and just watching my friends and brother play the sport. Being able to pick up something like working in a construction area and discovering how things work or even completing a driving course in only a few days that took a lot of work to learn and observe to learn quickly and on the spot is an important life skill that should be known by almost everyone learning something …show more content…

To able to achieve my degree in engineering and understand that it will not be easy, but I am will to keep the same attitude as in high school to work hard and achieve whatever I set my mind too. At the same time have no debt on my shoulders would be amazing. People's careers and lives are ruined every day because of debt, loans, credit cards, and just owning money to a company or someone else is just something I don't want to take apart of it. I realize at the beginning of life on your own, yes there will be times where money is an issue but I wish to fulfill my dreams and not to worry about overhead. The main expense would be the tuition, but with tuition you need the correct supplies and have to worry about student fee’s. But in doing so you are supporting me so I can be put into the career path that I wish to go into and will enjoy for the rest of my

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